Tournament Date: February 17, 2019
Memphis Made Brewing | 768 Cooper St. Memphis, TN 38104
Fair Strikes Format 1:00 registration, 1:30 start time.
Players will play in groups of 3 or 4 people per machine. In a 3 player game, first place will get 0 strikes, second will get 1 strike, third will get 2 strikes (0/1/2). In a four person group, first place will get 0 strikes, second and third place will get 1 strike and fourth place will get 2 strikes (0/1/1/2). Six strikes and you are eliminated from the tournament. The tournament will resume until there is only one player without six strikes!
$10 entry. machines set to free play.
Matchplay software and swiss-style pairing will be used for the tournament.