Bluff City Pinball Leagues
Bluff City Pinball League Season 5
**Changes for Season 5**
A player can utilize as many preplays as needed. Preplays must be recorded either on a previous league night or on the Second Sunday of each month between 4 and 7 pm.
A player can miss two weeks without preplays. Any missed week without a preplay beyond that will result in being dropped from the league.
General League Information:
Bluff City Pinball League Season 5 will consist of 10 weeks of regular play. After the 10th week of the season, the top players in each division will participate in the League Finals. The league will meet at Memphis Made Brewing every Saturday night (except for the 2nd Saturday of each month and April 4th) at 7pm starting March 7, 2020. All the first games of the night will start at 7:15pm and the league night should end around 9:30 depending on game lengths and skill levels. (During season 1 - 4, most groups finished closer to 9:00pm)
Each league night, players will be placed into groups of 4 (or as close to as possible). The first league night players will be placed in order of the prior leagues results and then prior year's state IFPA ranking for new players. The remaining nights players will be placed in groups based upon their scores over the course of the league. Each group will play a four player game on 4 different machines each week. Points will be awarded based upon their placing on each game. First place will receive 3 points, second place 2 points, third place 1 points and fourth place 0 point. There are bonus points available each round. If the bonus points are not achieved by select players within the group, the points will default to the other players within the group. See for more detailed information. For a great visual of the bonus point distribution take a look at .After Week 10, players will be entered into the League Finals the next week. If there are 9 - 17 players there will be two divisions in the Finals; an A Division and a B Division. If there are 18 - 27 players there will be three divisions in the Finals; A - C Division. If there are 28 - 44 players there will be four divisions in the Finals; A - D Division. If more that 45 players, there will be five divisions in the Finals; A - E divisions. Players must attend a minimum of 4 league nights (out of 10 qualifying rounds) to be eligible for the finals. Players will keep their 9 highest scores from the 10 league nights.
The league will cost $50 for the whole season. On league nights, the machines will be set to free play for warm-up and league play. No coin drop. Participants will pay for the league their first night of attendance. This is an IFPA event. IFPA points/standings based upon standings at the end of 10 weeks. League Finals are for prizes and fun.
We will use a modified FSPA Rulebook. Modified for coin drop, starting league order, preplays/forfeits and the playing for a pinball machine.
League nights:
March: 7, 21, 28
April: 18, 25
May: 2, 16, 23, 30
June: 6, 7(Finals)
The league's progression and player stats will be available at
Potential lineup for league:
Batman 66
Monster Bash remake
NBA Fastbreak
Old Chicago
Judge Dredd
Gold Ball
Memphis Made Brewing
768 Cooper St.
Memphis, TN, 38104
United States